Well, maybe not "everything", but some things. Well, maybe not "some things", but what I know about
God, or maybe not "what I know about God", but an abridged version about what I know about God.
First, you should know that God loves you. God created you. He knit you together in your mother's
womb. All the days of your life are written in God's book. He is not angry with you: He loves you. He
made a way that You can enter Heaven without obeying the Ten Commandments. This is the law of
grace. He gives Eternal Life to all those who can say that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Jesus
from the dead. No one is justified by following the law for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of
God. But God made a way when there was no way. For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son that all who believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. God loves you better than
a Father loves his child. God created you and destined you for good works which He prepared in
advance for you to do.
God loves you unconditionally. He loves you just the way you are. If you can comprehend that, and get
off the ferris wheel of self-condemnation, this truth enables you to become a better person. For once
you are free from the burden of proving yourself to others or even to God, you are free to try new
things: better things. In short, your past does not define you, and God remembers your wrongdoing no
more. If God loves you the way you are, you need not care as much what other people think. You don't
have to prove yourself. You can love even the most broken parts of yourself the way God loves those
things: through the lens of forgiveness. No one knows the totality of all that goes through your mind,
and no one needs to. Through Jesus, all your wrongdoing is forgiven, and you have a new slate.
God has a plan for you, and that is to love God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and to love
your neighbor as yourself. God has prepared for you a spot in Heaven where you will be like Him, for He
calls you His friend, not His servant. What God is this that created formed images to become like Jesus,
who Himself is God? It is truly amazing. No man knows what God has prepared for those who abide in
Him. But God makes straight the paths of those who trust in Him. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will
give you the desires of your heart. God delights in loving His children, and giving them good gifts. All
good things are gifts from God in Heaven. God also planned who you should be in this world, but this
meaning is different for each individual. About your life's meaning and life's work, I have no idea. We do
so many things as humans. Our love defines us as God's own, but I think we are somewhat free to forge
our own destiny with Jesus at our side. An important thing to consider is that our mark on this world will
always be temporary, but we are remembered by God forever. We are, each and every one of us,
famous in His eyes.
What, then, do we say of all the problems in the world? Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Creation has been subject to frustration, and eagerly awaits the revealing of the sons of God, all those
who trust in Jesus. Our fight is not against each other, but against the rulers and authorities, the dark
powers of this world: satan and his dark angels. Satan would have us continually spar with each other
than get to the real problem. Wars and rumors of wars abound, but Jesus Christ will return victoriously
to take us along as spoils of war. Our duty is not to make sense of this world, but to stand in response to
satan's attacks. Submit yourself to God, and resist the devil and he will flee from you. This is the battle
we face every day. But God works all things toward the good of those who love Him, who are called
according to His purpose. If God is for us, who can be against us?
Life is not easy, nor does it become easy when you place your faith in Jesus. But God promises to
provide for all our needs if we seek first the Kingdom of Heaven. He knows that we need food, clothes
and shelter, but instructs us not to worry about such things, for God knows that we need them. God
mentions in many places in the Bible to be strong and courageous for God is with us. Jesus said to His
disciples before his crucifixion, "Do not let your hearts be troubled: trust in God, trust also in Me."
Through the process of praying, repenting and seeking, God takes away the power of the devil in our
lives. There is only one person to put our faith in, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ, the author of the new
covenant, the covenant in His blood as forgiveness for our sins.
The Greatest Man that has ever lived.
The Son of God, The Son of Man.
December 25, 0000 - ∞
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son so that all who believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
~ John 3:16 JABV
Stand firm, and you will win life.
~ Luke 21:19 NIV
My life's goal is to become an electronic musician. This is why I admire BT. However, one unintentional
side goal became, back in 1997, something that made me a cartoonist. I was originally interested in cartoons as a path
toward finding fulfillment and justification for my existence on this planet, but really my goal is to
become a musician and just make music that I like.
I would say that Charles Schulz is the best cartoonist ever. However, it is a tough call for me between him
and Bill Waterson, who drew Calvin and Hobbes. Bill Waterson's comic strip was extremely creative, more so
than Peanuts, but it lasted only 10 years. But on the flip side, Charles Schulz was very creative and unique
through the longest spanning
comic strip that ever ran in the newspaper. It ran for 50 years straight.
I also admire his themes upon the Bible, expressed mostly through Linus,
the theologian.
It is much easier to choose a favorite EDM musician: BT. There are others I admire, and follow through my life,
like Underworld, Way Out West and The Orb, but BT churns out the best music and more frequently than others.
I enjoy music
themes that underpin the concept of unconditional love. Not love songs, but love itself. That is what BT
does best.
I greatly enjoy being creative. It is powerful to write and design something that, for the most part, comes
solely from your own imagination.
Finally, human relationships are very important to me. I'm a lover, not a fighter. I enjoy
finding new ways to love people and nurture close friendships, keeping them for years. I believe that relationships
are one of the only thing that go with us into Eternity. I find love is something you
can nurture yourself just by paying close attention to what the people around you want. Love is
an ancillary goal that occurs just though the act of being yourself.
"Truly He
taught us to love one another. His law is love, and His Gospel is peace."
~ O Holy Night, Adolphe Charles Adams
The Greatest Christian Cartoonist that has ever lived.
November 26, 1922 - February 12, 2000
Peanuts: 1950 - 2000
The Greatest Techno Musician that has ever lived.
October 4, 1971 -